Flow Production

We Design site's layouts and manufacturing lines based on Flow with Portability and Quality Transformation principles

Portable Production Sites

" A Lean Insight.




Alignment. "

Industrial Design!

A Lightning Transformation.


New Products or Growth require new production lines but Layout and Assembly Line Design usually is not part of the core business

Plant Portability: most of the CAPEX applied to the site and manufacturing line can be moved to the next location

Local Content: which may facilitates sales

Low CAPEX investment: project based on Lean flow production principles -average 25% reduction-

Collateral OPEX reduction: 10% to 30%

Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

About Us

We are experts adapting the Toyota Production System -Flow Production- to each product, optimizing production lines and material flow processes

Photo courtesy Ford Motor Co.

Portable Sites

We Design Production sites that can easily -cheapily- move following the location where the Business is at each point of time

Image by tohamina on Freepik

We offer services to design efficient integral site layouts in which the Value Added flows and the investments are minimized

Layout Design

Optimize manufacturing lines and their 7 flows to minimize Lead Time and improve flexibility and productivity

Flow Production

Image by wirestock on Freepik

Image by freepik

Imagen de freepik

a close up of a sign
a close up of a sign

Assembly Lines

Designed assembly moving lines for:

Fiber Glass

Implemented Flow Production system for fiber glass products.


Designed Lay out, Assembly Line, Daily Management and Control Systems for MRI scanner production line.

a group of people working in a factory
a group of people working in a factory

Put in place Lean Manufacturing principles in a lighting production facility.

Distribution - Chain Stores

Implemented Lean Manufacturing principles in an integrated supply chain line: bicycles final assembly-tyres-frame painting

black metal empty building
black metal empty building
  • wind turbines and hubs manufacturer

  • gas turbines buckets, nozzles and pole shoes lines for gas turbines

  • transformers and circuit breakers

Image by freepik

Image by freepik

Image by freepik

Image by freepik

Image by freepik

Contact Us


or just copy and send us an email to :

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